
and Feedbacks from our participants

"For me it was three very intense days. I went back home stronger and can recommend this retreat to all people who are ready to reflect and remember that it is important to reconnect with yourself. It is now up to me to continue what I remembered and learned in everyday life.

Thank you!"

"A perfect setting, thanks to a professional and sensitive leading and guidance of the faculty and a group that gives you the feeling of being "held and carried": immerse yourself - open yourself up - embark on an inner journey - perceive - let go and find inner peace. Thank you."

"The experiences I was able to make are immeasurably valuable to me - I feel so much gratitude! What a gift: such leaders - such an exciting group - such a beautiful place - so intense experiences! Thank you"

"Absolutely great. Can only recommend it! Time & place (Herzberg) are ideal; would like to repeat this seminar every year; for grounding, reset, restart, time out, going offline, self-reflection, time-for-me, etc. "

"You are a brilliant team with many extraordinary abilities. I benefited a lot and I can only say: "At the right time in the right place with the" right "people"! Thanks a lot! I can not really put into words what the three days meant to me. The people, the methods, you leads as a team, the environment, me with myself - it touched me so much and brought me further. "


“Der Planet braucht keine erfolgreichen Menschen mehr. Der Planet braucht dringend Friedensstifter,

Heiler, Erneuerer, Geschichtenerzähler

und Liebende aller Arten. "


Dalai Lama