
latest News, Inspiration and suggestions

Register for our newsletter here!

With your registration, you agree with the newsletter conditions* including performance measurement.

What you can expect:


  • News about our Inner Peace Training
  • Latest seminar dates
  • Reflections about past retreats
  • Suggestions and impulses for everyday life
  • Information around "contentment", "mindfulness", "pausing" and much more

*The newsletter is published approximately every two months. Frequency also depends on our services and offerings (e.g. in case of appointment changes).

After you completed your registration you will receive a separate Email ("double-opt-in") in which you will be asked to confirm your registration. You can revoke your consent at any time by unsubscribing from the distribution list. A link to unsubscribe can be foundat the bottom of each newsletter. Or simply send us an E-Mail.

The newsletter is distributed via a provider which resides in the US. The provider stores e-mail address and further information about the dispatch and analysis of the newsletter. To optimize our newsletter, we measure how often the newsletter is opened and which links are selected (performance success measurement).

You will find detailed information, about performance measurement, use of the service provider, logging of registrations and your right of withdrawal, in our privacy statement.


“Der Planet braucht keine erfolgreichen Menschen mehr. Der Planet braucht dringend Friedensstifter,

Heiler, Erneuerer, Geschichtenerzähler

und Liebende aller Arten. "


Dalai Lama